Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Easter Tree (A Blogging Fail)

So, my first blog post was back in November last year, and since then the post have been fairly irregular and generally brief. The last few weeks I have been trying to make them a little more regular and to plan ahead.
With that in mind a few weeks ago I planned to do a post on an Easter Tree I was making. I collected my twigs and arranged them in a terracotta pot which I had 'aged' to take away it's shiny newness. Then I topped it with some moss and planted some spring bulbs in the pot as well.

All sounds good, right? Well here's the problem. I planted the bulbs and hung a few of my eggs and it all looked pretty good but I never found a chance to get good photos of it. Somehow other things just always got in the way. By the time this week rolled round, when I had planned to publish the post, the spring bulbs I had planted were finished blooming and although I had every intention of getting more and replanting, it just never happened.

In addition to the bulb issue, the spot I chose for the tree is in my living room in front of a wall of pictures, and, in another instance of something not being done as planned, although I hung the frames back before Christmas I only got round to putting the pictures in the frames a couple of weeks ago. Early shots I tried to take of the Easter tree show these empty frames. Later shots of the tree show the filled frames, but the spring bulbs are passed their best.

(I also thought the shots in front of the frames were distracting, so I tried photographing it in front of a bare wall, but the light that day was not good, and then it started snowing and you get the idea).

I don't really like doing things badly. I think if I were honest, sometimes I would rather not do something, than not do it well. But life doesn't really work like that, and this blog (for me at least) is supposed to be a chance to show the ways we can make the things of everyday beautiful even when they aren't perfect and motherhood is teaching me, everyday, that perfection just doesn't exist. So while I thought about just abandoning this project as a blog post and writing about something else, I thought instead I'd just post my rubbish photos and the story behind them.

And I feel I should explain my camera skills are pretty non existent as I only got my DSLR in November and haven't even managed to read the manual yet, so everything is done in the automatic settings (I know, I know, what's the point in having it etc- but I intend to learn, just when I have five minutes to myself again).

Well, I hope I haven't put (both of you) off reading this and you will still pop back next week to see if I've managed to do a proper post with better pictures!

Coco Blue


  1. Well, i think perfection is highly overrated (and often rather dull)...your easter tree and bulbs on the other hand are absolutely beautiful! Thanks for the inspiration for all of us "imperfectionists" out there!

  2. Thank you ever so much for saying so! I like the idea of being an imperfectionist, it sounds like a nice club or something, where they greet you with a cup of tea and somewhere comfy to sit.
    "Hello, my name is Ailsa, and I'm a recovering perfectionist" :)


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